Learn More About The Hamilton University of Business and Technology School Of Performing Arts

We have a close group of artists and performers that appreciate and support one another. There are programs in dance, music, and theater to encourage our students to pursue professional goals. Hamilton University of Business and Technology brings together the performing, visual, and communication arts in the classroom and in the community. Creative cooperation broadens artistic possibilities, consequences, and lives.


    Dr Chsristopher Chase
  • Head of Department
  • Dr Mason Brown
  • Lecturer
  • Ashley Micheals
  • Lecturer

Priviliges Of Applying In Our School Of Performing Arts

Young people who have access to the performing arts are more likely to express themselves authentically, have richer imaginations, and use their voices to make an impact in the world. An individual's sense of self-worth and the delight that comes from expressing oneself may be fostered in students  via the study of music, dance, and theater in its many forms.

The International Community Honors Our Professionals

Hamilton University of Business and Technology is often ranked as one of the best universities in the country. When it comes to distant education, our school is at the forefront of innovation. The courses are current, have relevant and recent content, and are delivered by qualified and experienced lecturers. When it comes to education ranking agencies that evaluate the effectiveness and employer approval of these career-focused and self-paced programs, we come out on top by a wide margin.