Learn More About The Hamilton University of Business and Technology School Of Computer Science

Our School of Computer Science offers a diverse choice of courses at different levels. These courses provide chances for advanced study and research in computer sciences. To meet the need for computer specialists, the institution creates highly trained computer employees. The Department maintains strong ties with professional organizations at the national and international levels in order to raise the professional and academic standards of both professors and students.

Majors Offered


    Dr Kimberly Bryan
  • Head of Department
  • Dr Eric Thorn
  • Lecturer
  • Nathan Cole
  • Lecturer

Priviliges Of Applying In Our School Of Computer Science

Skills learned in a computer science program are transferable to many other fields. Employers value analytical thinking and problem solving ability highly. This field teaches students technical skills like as programming, problem-solving, and leadership, and others.

The International Community Honors Our Professionals

Hamilton University of Business and Technology is often ranked as one of the best universities in the country. When it comes to distant education, our school is at the forefront of innovation. The courses are current, have relevant and recent content, and are delivered by qualified and experienced lecturers. When it comes to education ranking agencies that evaluate the effectiveness and employer approval of these career-focused and self-paced programs, we come out on top by a wide margin.